With the recent confirmation of Gen. Keith Alexander as the first commander of the newly-formed U.S. Cyber Command, the United States has committed itself to developing the capabilities necessary to conduct offensive cyberwar operations. In previous posts here at The Firewall, both myself and Tim Stevens have noted the many questions that are still unanswered related to the basic mission of U.S. Cyber Command, the legalities of cyberwar, and much more. Pentagon leaders themselves admit as much. Now that the United States seems to have committed itself to developing offensive cyberwar capabilities to a degree heretofore unseen, I would like to add another question to the list of many that need to be considered as the developers of cyberwar doctrine and strategy go about their work.
What are the strategic communication implications of offensive cyberwar operations? And where the war on terrorism is concerned, what message is communicated by offensive U.S. cyber operations against jihadist websites?
The critical infrastructure component of cybersecurity and concern over terrorist use of the Internet are increasingly being brought together in a larger discussion about cyberspace security. The critical infrastructure component relates to what Deibert and Rohozinski have identified as “risks to cyberspace,” while terrorist use of the Internet (for recruiting, fundraising, propaganda, etc.) relates to what they have called “risks through cyberspace” and others have even called “cognitive hacking.”
We might also say that the two are articulated in what Cavelty and Brunner have called the larger discourse of information warfare, which includes two different and sometimes competing understandings of “information”–i.e. information as critical data for the effective operation of militaries, organizations, and society versus information as perception, meaning, “hearts and minds.” One question that deserves more attention is how these two understandings of information and cyberspace security interact with one another.
In a recent article in Joint Forces Quarterly [PDF], CJCS ADM Mike Mullen was critical of a dominant interpretation of “strategic communication” that he says focuses too much on words over deeds, the how over the what of communication. He wrote,
And make no mistake, there has been a certain arrogance to our strat comm efforts. We’ve come to believe that messages are something we can launch downrange like a rocket, something we can fire for effect. They are not. Good communication runs both ways. It’s not about telling our story. We must also be better listeners. [...]
Only through a shared appreciation of the people’s culture, needs, and hopes for the future can we hope ourselves to supplant the extremist narrative. We cannot capture hearts and minds. We must engage them; we must listen to them, one heart and one mind at a time, over time. [...]
To put it simply, we need to worry a lot less about how to communicate our actions and much more about what our actions communicate (p. 4).
Conversely, we might ask: Does the U.S. worry too much about how jihadists in general, and the Taliban in particular, communicate (especially online), and not enough about what they communicate, both with their words and also with their actions?
What’s more, John Arquilla has advocated taking offensive action against terrorist websites, and a recent operation by the U.S. military that took down a forum allegedly being used by jihadists in Iraq indicates that at least a few folks in the U.S. military are acting in accord with his recommendations. In addition to the concern that some have raised over whether taking down jihadist websites deprives the U.S. of valuable sources of intelligence, we should also be asking what these types of offensive cyber actions communicate to adversaries and allies alike.
ADM Mullen has written about U.S. adversaries’ talent for detecting U.S. “say-do gaps” and then driving trucks through those gaps that end up damaging U.S. credibility (p. 4). He uses Abu Ghraib as an example, where what was done there was in sharp contrast to the things that U.S. leadership said about human rights, dignity, etc. Similarly, what kinds of “say-do gaps” might be created by offensive cyber operations meant to silence or disrupt adversary communications online? It might not be difficult for an even moderately observant adversary to point to a contradiction (real or not) between U.S. rhetoric about “Internet freedom” and freedom of speech and expression on the one hand and U.S. actions taken to silence its opponents on the other hand.
Keeping Dunlap’s classic essays in mind, might offensive actions like those recommended by Arquilla and potentially witnessed in the jihadist forum takedown case contribute to creating a perception of U.S. weakness, both in the information battle and the kinetic battle? Might U.S. attempts to silence opponents look like weakness in the proverbial “battle for hearts and minds?” A resort to silencing as a result of an inability to effectively engage? Despite all the talk of markets and freedom of expression, the market that the U.S. fears the most is the marketplace of ideas? Etc., etc., etc.
I do not have answers to these questions. But if we are going to include “risks to cyberspace” and “risks through cyberspace” into a larger debate over information warfare, cybersecurity, etc., then we should begin to think about what kinds of messages are communicated to adversaries and allies alike when the U.S. engages in offensive actions that silence or disrupt its opponents online.